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                                                                     Dance your cares away

                                                         Chislehurst and Sidcup Ballet Club

Now in its 57th YEAR – 1961 to 2018

                         President: Miss Jane Pritchard    Vice President: Mr Kevin Richmond
                                        Patrons: Miss Lesley Collier & Mrs Mary Goodhew 

Dear Members,

At our meeting in May we held our AGM which our President Jane Pritchard chaired. After the business had been completed Jane gave us a fascinating talk about Anthony Crickmay and his work as a photographer within ballet.

Our June meeting will be held in the theatre space at Bird College and we are delighted that Dame Beryl Grey CH., DBE will be our Guest Speaker. Tea, coffee & biscuits served from 6.30pm outside the theatre, please feel free to use the cinema seats near the back door, the Ladies & Gents are nearby .Luis D’Abreu and Shirley Coen Executive Directors, Andrew Wilson Head of Ballet and Lai-Sheung Chan Senior Ballet Tutor and 46 of their ballet students from Bird College of Performing Arts will be joining Club Members past & present  with their guests for a very special evening to end the term before our Summer recess. Please ring/text/email Sue our Chairman on 07746-719258 and [email protected] to let her know how many guests you are bringing,

 Club News - Meeting Dates for 2018

Monday 18 June 7.00pm Dame Beryl Grey CH., DBE


Monday 1 October 7.30pm 

Monday 5 November 7.30pm

Monday 3 December 7.30pm


Monday 15 October - 6.30pm

Monday 28 January 2019 - 6.30pm

Ballet Club sent Inge Kelly a card on her 94th birthday, we have had the following reply from her daughter Anne Marie Braun: “I had my suspicions before now, but they were confirmed when my mother opened her latest newsletter from the Ballet Club: it was you who organised and sent her lovely birthday card with the matching '94' in silver on it. Thank you so much! She was very pleased and touched by it. Please pass on thanks to others in the club, also for the piece in the newsletter. It is so nice that she is remembered. As you probably know, her birthday means a lot to my mother and she did have a happy celebration. At the weekend before the 6th March we had a birthday tea party at her house with nearly all the family; despite the atrocious weather we were more than twenty, including three great-grandchildren. The birthday cards then stood on her table until Easter. In the Ballet Club newsletter I read that guests will be welcome at the meeting with Dame Beryl Grey on 18th June. I am hoping to be able to come and look forward to meeting you then”


What's on





Sadler's Wells

27-30 September 2017

Acosta Danza


9 December—28 January 2018

Matthew Bourne



Covent Garden

24 July-5 August

Mariinsky Ballet

Don Quixote

27 July—7 August

Mariinsky Ballet

Swan Lake

3-4 August

Mariinsky Ballet

Anna Karinina

8 Judas -9 August

Mariinsky Ballet


10-12 August

Mariinsky Ballet

La Bayadere

27 Sept—28 October

Royal Ballet

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

18-24 October

Royal Ballet


18-19 October

Birmingham Royal Ballet/Royal Ballet /Scottish Bal-let

Concerto/ Elite Syncopations/Le Baiseer de la Fee

24 Oct/1 Nov

English National Ballet/Royal Ballet

Song of the Earth/The Judas Tree

6-17 Nov

Royal Ballet

The illustrated Farewell/The Wind/Untouchable

26/27 Oct

ENB/Royal Ballet/ North-ern Ballet

Gloria/Elite Syncopations/The Judas Tree

24 Nov-16 Dec

Royal Ballet


5 Dec-10 Jan 2018

Royal Ballet



Orchard Dart-ford

13,14,15 July

Doreen Bird College


25-26 August 2017

English Youth Ballet

Sleeping Beauty

11-16 September 2017

Spirit of the Dance

9-14 October 2018


Live Screenings at

Greenwich Picture House/ Greenwich Odeon/Bluewater/Odeon Beckenham/Empire Bromley/Orpington

23rd October 2017

Royal Ballet

Alice in Wonderland

5th December 2017

Royal Ballet


28th February 2018

Royal Ballet

The Winter’s Tale

27th March 2018

Royal Ballet

New Wayne McGregor and Christo-pher Wheeldon ballets

3rd May 2018

Royal Ballet


12th June 2018

Royal Ballet

Swan Lake




The Chislehurst & Sidcup Ballet Club is a local community dance interest group and is open to anyone of anyone over the age of 16 and who has a keen interest in the arts.

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